Lent & holy week

Lent March 5 - April 17 | Holy Week April 13 - 20

As followers of Jesus, we orient our calendars toward a different kind of high point in the year: the events surrounding Jesus’ last supper, crucifixion, and resurrection. Holy Week at Grace is a special time of communion, reflection, and celebration. Scroll down to learn more about each of our opportunities to observe during this Easter season.



March 5 - April 17

Lent begins March 5 on Ash Wednesday. We have many opportunities for you during this lenten season.

Prayer & Worship Night | 7:00 PM | Sunday, March 9 | Chapel

We will kick Lent off (a few days late!) with an all church worship and prayer time in the Chapel from 7-8pm.

Thursday(s) Fasting & Prayer | March 6 - April 18 | 6:15-7:00 AM | Video Link

Join us in fasting and praying one day a week during Lent, with Thursdays as our group commitment (but feel free to choose another day). Fasting could mean refraining from meals or social media, using that time for prayer instead. We will host a morning prayer on Thursdays beginning March 6 from 6:15 - 7:00AM. We will pray in anticipation for who God will bring to our Easter service and spring Alpha course. Together we will seek God’s guidance and will. Video link for morning prayer.

Thursday Potlucks | 6:00-7:30 PM | March 27 & April 10 | Social Hall

We will break our fast together on a couple of Thursdays by gathering in the Social Hall for a potluck. Bring your own food (and enough to share with a few others) to eat together from 6-7pm on March 27 and April 10. The last Thursday of prayer and fasting will end April 17th with our Maundy Thursday dinner and celebration (see below).

Lenten Testimonies - This year we will prepare for Easter and Alpha by hearing testimonies from members of our congregation. You can receive these testimonies by signing up for our weekly newsletter.

Palm Sunday

April 13 | 9:30 AM | grace Sanctuary

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter. This celebration commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, mentioned in each of the four Gospels, and is the beginning of Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter. We often use palm branches to re-create the celebration of Christ’s final arrival in Jerusalem because his followers used palm branches to honor him as King and Messiah. We celebrate Palm Sunday together on our campus or streaming online.

Maundy Thursday

april 17 | 6:00 - 8:00 PM | in homes across long beach

Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday. It commemorates the night before Jesus died, when He shared the Passover meal with His closest friends and followers. At Grace we set this evening aside to embody what the family of God really looks like, as you enjoy a meal, share in the bread and cup of communion, and wash each other’s feet with others in our church family. We’ve designed this space to empower and equip you to participate in the same events as Jesus and his disciples did the night before he was betrayed.  This year we will be coming together in homes across Long Beach. You can register with friends and neighbors in your neighborhood or with people from Grace you’d like to get to know. Registration is required for Maundy Thursday.

Good Friday


April 18 | services at 5:30Pm & 7:00 pm | Chapel

Good Friday is the day Christians remember Jesus’ death. The “Good” reflects how Jesus’ death was a sacrifice on our behalf so we can receive God’s forgiveness. We reflect upon His sacrifice for humanity’s sins and His suffering on the cross. The service includes somber readings, hymns, prayers, and reflection. It’s a day of mourning and reverence leading into Easter Sunday’s celebration of His resurrection. Families are encouraged to join us for the 5:30 PM service. No registration required.

Easter Sunday

April 20 | 10:00 AM | MAIN Sanctuary

Easter is one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar. It marks the celebration of Jesus rising from the dead. His resurrection changed everything; He conquered death and redeemed us from sin. Jesus made a way for us to experience God as our father, and the family of God as our own family!

This year we are celebrating Easter Sunday in our main sanctuary. You can also stream the service virtually for those joining us from home. After service we will party on the Plaza with friends new and old, family, food, and music to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ for He has risen! He has risen indeed!

Join us after service for an Easter Party! 11:30 AM - 1: 00 PM